The anti study-work relation philosophy.

How many of you like the work you presently do? Or atleast, how many of you like whatever course you are studying now? I would like to put forth another question! Do we really need to have a relationship between the work we do and education we’ve studied?

Whenever I watch the movie 3 idiots, the  Ranchhoddas “Rancho” Shamaldas Chhanchad BABA keeps lecturing everyone about choosing what you love to do, and so on, I feel he is right. But is he, entirely?

When I was young (Young – when I had no idea how tough it would be to do something you really want to), I wanted to be many things – Pilot, scientist, army officer, artist. But, when I had to choose, after my 12th grade, I chose life sciences. I had a clarity. I heard people telling me, the usual, you know, relatives, friends of parents, and my well-wishers. Apparently, there was this aunt who was a friend of my mom’s. Her daughter studied bio-technology and she didn’t get a job that was as well paying as the software ones. Even I knew that to be successful in this field you need to study till masters at the least.

But, as my course began and it went on, I started realizing how fucking tough it actually is. I started panicking. Did I take the right decision? What if I made a mistake? Would it cost me a lot? And this feeling became even stronger, when the other branch students started being placed! Holy fuck!

While, all this kept happening, I had two things that no one could ever snatch away from me. My old love and new love. Film making and photography, respectively. This, photography, it made me happy, whenever I click a good picture, atleast I felt so, I’d feel as if I’ve achieved something, something I couldn’t my whole life. It taught me to see objects, things, everything at a very new perspective. While I was doing my graduation I made money with this newly acquired talent. After my graduation, this has been my source of income so far.

So, I now have two interests. Two very diverse interests. Which one do I choose?

The other day, I went to my former workplace, where I used to intern, without pay. There was this sir, who got us the project there. He asked, ” What smart boys, what are you doing these days?. I replied, “Sir, right now, I’m in the process of applying to universities, meanwhile I’m working as a freelance photographer making wedding films, etc.” He says, ” Is there any relationship, between what you studied and whatever you doing right now? Money isn’t everything. Do something that adds to your CV. Only then, the universities will admit you”.

As much as I’d like to believe what he said was right, I would say he is wrong for 3 reasons.

Reason 1: He doesn’t know that I don’t want to keep asking money from my parents. It’s so annoying. How long should I live on them. I’m 22 for god’s sake.

Reason 2: I have a work experience of about 8 months in the field of life sciences. If I wanted to intern more, I gotta pay from my pocket which isn’t light on neither my pockets nor my parents’ pockets.

Reason 3: Money might not be everything, but it sure is needed to get things moving. And that sir isn’t gonna give me money. Hell, no! But, you know he has a mouth and he can speak.

But, you see what I do now for a living isn’t what I studied. This is not what I had in mind when I first took up this course. But, I ended up doing it.

But, I’m not giving up my dream. I chose to become a scientist, and I’m presently trying  to get admission in one of the awesome universities.

But, there lies a question ahead of me. What if I don’t go? I choose to be a photographer then. Hell, there might not be a relationship between what I studied and what I do, but I’d be happy doing it. As long as I’m happy, that’s what matters. It’s pretty common now-a-days. Most of the ECE and Mech engineers end up in software companies, not that they enjoy doing it. But, you know they have a job and they are secure and all that. I leave it your imagination, how secure is any job these days you could lose on or get one at the blink of an eye.

I would want all you guys to think for a moment, for a day, hell, as long as it takes, if you want to continue doing what you intend to do for the rest of your live, and if you can be happy and content doing it.

Good night, folks!

P.S. I apologize if my colloquial language has offended anyone. 🙂