I know many girls, girls who I’ve dated too, who gross out at the words and the worlds of sex, and masturbation. This post isn’t against the girls, but this is definitely for the cynics and the misanthropists who blabber shit about sex and masturbation; especially about premarital sex.

Chapter 1:


Why do we have breakups?

  1. Because things didn’t work out.
  2. Because it was never meant to be.
  3. Because one of them wanted love, and the other sex.
  4. Because one of them wanted commitment, and the other wanted to have a relationship that wouldn’t last.
  5. Because it was a mistake.

There might be more logics, motives, and reasons, but these pretty much make the big picture.

I know people who were in different forms and types of relationships, you know the usual; dating, open/close relationship, commitment, love, etc. because of the either of the reasons I’ve mentioned above. Sometimes, our brain; not the heart, confuses one feeling with another. It might be because of due to a spur of the moment, or the fear of hurting the other person, or we want to try it out, see what happens, because it’s fun, because he/she needs help, blah, blah and more blah.

But you end up hurting yourselves or maybe even both of you and you cry, regret and stuff.


Chapter 2:

This is for the GUYS!

  1. Forever alone. No, you aren’t! What are friends there for man?
  2. You like a girl, but haven’t told her? Suck it up. Go and tell her, before someone else does. You might have a chance, you might not. But that doesn’t mean you don’t try right? Do it now!
  3. You like a girl, you’ve told her, and she said let’s be friends? This is a tough one to answer, but hey I’m going to! Even though she says, let’s be friends, it isn’t possible man! Your feelings for her won’t go away so easily! Wait it out, but keep looking out for other girls too ;). You don’t want to miss a chance.
  4. You think, you won’t have a girlfriend like forever? Not so true, may be you were trying it out with all the wrong ones, you know.
  5. Life isn’t all about the girls. There are a greater deal of things in life that matter more than that.
  6. And guys, don’t cheat, lie your way around the girls. I believe, it’s a sin. And believe me, when I say I’ve never lied my way around, never in any of my relationships. It’s important for me to able to trust my partner and I expect to give the same. Let it lead to a big fight, may be even a break up, but don’t lie. NEVER.
  7. Do not create false expectations. If you want SEX, tell it straight forward! Don’t give all the shit about love and blah, blah and break their hearts. If it’s about obtaining pleasure, please do yourself a favour and masturbate. Atleast, that way you won’t end up hurting people.
  8. Girls having sex is against the morals of the society. Whoever the fuck told you this, or inculcated into your brains, is so fucking wrong! Men and women belong to the same species of HOMO SAPIENS. Both have been blessed with brains, bodies, and hormones. So, it’s natural that both the genders of the society have equal rights to have sex, and even think about it. So, get that thing out of your mind, and stop judging.


Chapter 3: Coming soon!