Do not compare the beef ban and the rapist’s interview.

I initially thought I’ll give this one a go, because there are already a lot of people discussing about this, until I saw one very very very stupid person say this – ” In a way its good, these monsters kill cows and buffaloes just for food, its so mean! where does the cheese in their pizzas, milk curd and ice creams come from? they kill these innocent animals who cannot fight back and give us a lot what have we given them in return? nothing! infact we are killing them. India is becoming a slaughter house for cows and buffaloes!”. Yes, these exact words!

And one more reason is my friend Siddarth. He said this “the rapist interview and then the french cartoon that depicts that indain cows are safer than women is very very offensive. I’m not jingoist or even a patriot..but that rapist interview is not a representation of india or even human race…
if you read his interview or got a chance to follow the entire case.. you will only notice that the rapist is not only a criminal and a monster but he is also stupid. He is some one who cannot process information.. Even if we did have capital punishment for rapists and told him about the consequences he would still commit the crime.. because he is stupid…
I understand people emotional comments about how to kill him or castrate him… but do you sit and plan on taking revenge on a snake that bit some one.. we just put it away from society.. study it.. try to understand its nature.. so we can avoid similar incidents in the future..”.

Now, let’s talk about the first one. So this person calls people who eat beef, monsters. I understand that everyone is entitled to have an opinion, yes, and so am I. Firstly the beef ban in the state of Maharashtra shows the declining state of the democratic and secular India. It’s very funny that you could be jailed for eating beef. Why don’t they create a ban on eating food which has life? Like chicken, mutton, leafy vegetables, etc. I mean atleast that way it would be justified that they are not violating any religions or castes. Moreover I would love to listen to the reasons the POLITICIANS in power would give as to why they had to ban it in the first place. Because our politicians always give excellent reasons for everything they do. Unparalleled, and unmatchable.

Now let’s talk about the interview that the rapist gave, and why people comparing both these issues are totally wrong. As my friend mentioned, the rapist is stupid. He was stupid in the first place to have raped, apart from being monstrous, ruthless and a criminal. Now guys, have you heard about criminal profiling? I am not very sure if it is happening in this case, but not every criminal should be killed. Criminal profiling needs to be done so that crimes like these can be prevented in other cases. It helps in understanding his mind, behaviour, under what circumstances, did his development as a child have to do anything with this, it is basically to create a better society, and also help the government to create better strategies to prevent such heinous crimes. But if that isnt happening here, then yes just kill him hoping that it would instill fear in other’s minds.

How important is eating beef to you than the safety of a woman? Are you questioning the law’s stupidity? But if you are you have to question yours to even compare both these issues.

A woman’s safety in our country is something we all got to worry about. I do. It is a very serious issue that needs serious consideration. I agree that the beef ban is a biased decision, but please don’t compare both.


I don’t understand people outrage for not being able to eat a cow.. and the immediate comparison to women safety in India… it is very very offensive..